How we choose to spend our time matters. That’s what this is all about…

Like the Annual Financial Giving Appeal we have in the Fall, this is a Time Giving Appeal. Below you’ll find different categories with options listed under each.

You’re encouraged to take the next few weeks to think about how God is calling you to spend your time in 2024. Is it a new group to take you deeper into your faith? Maybe hands-on outreach? Serving the St. Tim’s community? As you ponder how you want to get involved, please reach out to group leaders to find out more and to have them answer any questions that may arise!

On the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, February 11, we will have “Commitment Sunday” (similar to “Pledge Sunday”) where we will write on commitment cards the ways we want to get involved then send them up to the altar as part of our offering. This may be joining a group at St. Timothy’s or it may be a number of other things in your life - the Church doesn’t end at our property line.


We were all new at some point, and chances are, since you’re reading this and all, someone was kind to you and made you feel like St. Timothy’s might be the church home for you. Whether that was forty years or four weeks ago, we all have experienced that truly grounded welcome from the people we worship with.

This rather large category lives this out in a number of ways. While you’ll find fellowship and friends in all the groups, these are dedicated to focusing on making both newcomers and veterans feel the presence of Christ in our midst by acknowledging that presence in one another.

These groups include:

Greeters & Ushers - Jane Holcer  |

Coffee Hour - Sami Hency  |

Funeral Receptions - Anne Haskin  |

Game Night - Jerri Spurlock  |

Young Adult Group - Sami Hency  |

Anderson Township Farmers’ Market - Kate Daly  |

Office volunteers - Sami Hency |

Want to find out more about one of these groups? Click here.


Whether you’re trying to figure out how to raise children in the faith or trying to grow your own faith, these groups will be helpful in your journey. Your baptism follows you out the doors on Sunday and through your weekly trials and triumphs. Having time during the week to reconnect with God and one another is key to fostering a sense of wonder about the Divinity and curiosity about ones’ own place. Come and be fed on Sunday, then again on maybe a Tuesday or Wednesday…

These groups include:

 Tuesday Morning Bible Study - Roger Greene  |

Men’s Contemplative Prayer - Roger Greene  |

Soul Friends - Marianne Lang  |

Wednesday Evening Prayer - Sami Hency  |

Women on the Journey - Cher Culshaw  |

Kid’s & Teen Groups - Alice Connor  |

Labyrinth Team - Pat Meisner  |

Library - Janet Davidson  |

Everyday Spirituality Covenant Group - Debby Corotis  |

Want to find out more about one of these groups? Click here.


Our following of Jesus Christ doesn’t end when we walk out the doors on Sundays - it begins. We take what we learn “beyond the wood and stone,” and courageously follow God in loving this fragile earth. We love those close to home and those thousands of miles away. We love those in school, in jail, and on the street, and we even love the dirt. Where is your heart pulling you?

These groups include:

IPM Food Pantry - Amy Faught  |

ODB Sandwich Making - Kate Daly  |

El Hogar - Kris Mullin  |

Men’s Prison Ministry - John Rudolph  |

Women’s Prison Ministry - Jane Holcer  |

Lydia’s House - Beth Bronsil  |

Creation Care - Peg Fenner  |

Want to find out more about one of these groups? Click here.


As Episcopalians, we have a rich heritage of music and worship. From the third century poems-turned-hymns to the recent 1979 and later changes in the liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, every single piece of worship has a history and meaning. Would you like to learn more about these parts? Has God gifted you with musical talents that you wish to share? Consider spending some of your time with one of these groups!

These groups include:

Altar Guild - Kara Owens  |

Worship Servers - Sami Hency  |

Choir & 11am Music - Andrew Miller  |

Worship Band & 9:15 Music - Wayne Luessen  |

Bell Choir - Janet Davidson  |

Want to find out more about one of these groups? Click here.


The health of our minds, bodies, and souls are all important to God, and so they are important to us. As talented and capable as Roger, Alice, and Ellen are, it should not be up to them to love an entire congregation by themselves. Because some of this loving needs to be organized, we have various groups that take care of certain aspects of caring for a whole person.

These groups include:

Parish Health Ministry - Debbie Rathsack  |

Healing Team - Dave Dreisbach  |

Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Roger Greene  |

Prayer Chain - Jean Gelvin  |

Prayer Shawl & Chemo Caps - Carol Martin  |

Stephen Ministry - Debby Corotis  |

Drivers - Ernie Drott  |

Home-Cooked Meal Train - Mike Phelps  |

Card Ministry - Beth Klaine  |

Want to find out more about one of these groups? Click here.

A note on this appeal…

Many of you are already heavily involved in these groups or some of St. Timothy’s working committees. Do not take on too much. Being a healthy, loving child of God is more important than filling your schedule full of our activities and groups. Instead, consider this a chance to examine how you are already spending your time at St. Tim’s, and if God is calling you to either put down something to pick up something else, or to put it down and step back for a season.

If none of these groups or causes speak to your heart, what does? Is there something we can take part in that aligns with the mission of St. Timothy’s? Email the Vestry Wardens to discuss your idea!


Jane Holcer, Senior Warden at or

Steve Mullin, Junior Warden at